not again…
on April 16, 2017 at 12:01 amToday’s strip is kind of counter to most Easter-type messages on this Eastery day. She is not risen! She is not risen indeed!
I will tell you this secret, though: Even as I drew this strip all those years ago, I was still not yet certain on whether Sal would live or die. I kind of felt like I needed to Pull A Ruth. This was a big storyline event, and big storyline events need somebody important to die, right? Right? It’s part of why Dina was so badly hurt earlier — I wasn’t sure if Sal was gonna die, and if she didn’t, I might’ve needed somebody to go.
Kind of cart before the horsing, wasn’t I? “Kill somebody so it feels important” is probably not a great mindset, storytelling-wise.
But if Sal lives, she’s… definitely gonna hafta go to prison. For forever. She’s probably killed a buncha people, and shown herself to be kind of a major danger to… existence. So dying here might be a mercy.
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