My tushie used to have more padding.
on September 22, 2018 at 12:01 amWe fixed him once! We can do it again! Maybe! Probably not! (No.)
The main reason I wanted to keep Joyce and Walky into folks-not-their-own-gender even though they themselves have been altered is that I wanted them to make up while they were swapped. I thought it’d be fun. It’s a good 70% why the story even exists. Probably.
OH HEY next weekend, September 29-30, I’m going to be an exhibitor at Cartoon Crossroads Columbus (CXC), which is held in… Columbus (duh), Ohio (look there’s other Columbuses), at the downtown metro library! So if you want to come see me, I’ll be at table 6! I’ll have books and junk.
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