Some relatively complicated panels for this page! I’d been hiding a lot of stuff behind ink-black shadows and drawing relatively simple angles. But check out those multiple worms-eye views. I’m workin’ this one.
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Some relatively complicated panels for this page! I’d been hiding a lot of stuff behind ink-black shadows and drawing relatively simple angles. But check out those multiple worms-eye views. I’m workin’ this one.
wait was monkey master just hanging out there in the shadows the whole time, how did anyone not notice him there
I spy at least two Sal/Tony offspring back there, with their features at different places among the Tony Vs Walkerton Sibling slider. I’m not naming them.
I wanna see Howard/tube sock Also I like the idea that Head Alien II has been to so many universes that he knows who Howard is.
….I guess what this means is that canonically Machete has never, in any universe, had any siblings. Well, no of-age siblings. Which I guess tracks, sure. Why send a preteen through a portal to rescue somebody from an evil alien […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Head Alien’s little speech in Panel One is definitely testing some waters for Dumbing of Age. My characters COULD’ve hooked up with other folks! *cough cough walky and dorothy cough cough* Even dead people! *cough cough billie and ruth cough […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I’m besieged by children from our future Teach them well and have them kick our butts Throw them all through portals that send them through time Give them a vest jetpack to make it easier Let the children’s freckles narrow […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
In Dumbing of Age parlance, Walky and Joyce refuse to be traumatized. Dang, I think I just offed one of my oldest characters. And probably only because I didn’t want to have to think up any more future kid character […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
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